One of the rituals/routines in our classroom is to reset the room at the end of each day. What that technically means is that you clean up the room at the end of the day to make sure that it looks nice the next day that we walk in to class. You have to make sure that you clean everything off the floor in the classroom so no ANTS come in our classroom and infest our class. You also need to make sure that you make the room nice and clean so then the custodian doesn't have to do all the work and get crabby with us at leaving such a mess.
If this ritual doesn't get done well or done at all, we would all get infested with ants in our classroom and eating our snacks. Also if this ritual didn't get done then the custodian would have to clean up after our selves and he already does enough work.
If this ritual doesn't get done well or done at all, we would all get infested with ants in our classroom and eating our snacks. Also if this ritual didn't get done then the custodian would have to clean up after our selves and he already does enough work.
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