The philosophy of Pay It Forward is that through acts of kindness among strangers, we all foster a more caring society. Pay It Forward is a moving, uplifting novel about Trevor McKinney, a twelve-year-old boy in a small California town who accepts his teacher’s challenge to earn extra credit by coming up with a plan to change the world. Trevor’s idea is simple: do a good deed for three people, and instead of asking them to return the favor, ask them to “pay it forward” to three others who need help. He envisions a vast movement of kindness and goodwill spreading across the world, and in this “quiet, steady masterpiece with an incandescent ending” (Kirkus Reviews), Trevor’s actions change his community forever.
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Let's make our own Kindness Boomerang video. We can use the same song or something different. Ours should all be examples of kindness around school. We need to brainstorm dozens of ways people can show kindness around school and then choose enough for all of us to have parts in the video. Then, we will need to map it all out before practicing and filming it. The small details will be important - like how the girls were frustrated when their friend walked the lady across the street. I'm happy to be the cameraman for this one! :)