- man helps kid fall who fell of skate board helped him up boy smiles and nods
- helps lady to cross the street holding grocerys for her and gives her eye contact and converstshun ignores freind to help lady
- gives person a quater to pay parking meter and dont smile because not big deal
- person drops wallet and lady returns it to him and gives eye contact
- helps person with a heavy suit case shuts car door for him
- buys hot dog for person but then hot dog guy gives him water bottle and no shiny smiles
- gives person there lost cellphone and does not steal them
- gives lonely person flowers and lets her hug her hand
- she gives the waiter $100
- waiter gives worker glass of water
one time I was playing a online game with my friends and somebody else and not a lot of people are nice on the intreat but this guy was really nice . He gave us a lot of good stuff and I really liked him because he was nice compared to other people. So I decided to get him some really good stuff to . It really made feel happy because most people on the internet our mean and it inspired me to be more nicer to other people even if they arnt nice to me.