Science Companion Activities: Complete the activities here: Consider using the ProScopes here. Depending on the activities you use in the lesson, consider adding the following:
Free download on Teachers Pay Teachers here:
Don't look at anything below this break before completing everything above!
Science Companion Activities:
Assigned Reading:
Reflection/Synthesis Questions:
Teacher-Led Activity: Everything in this classroom is considered to be matter. Let's list some examples of matter on this Google Sheet and let's see if we can be creative and find things that others might not realize is matter! Definition of Matter Matter is anything that takes up space and has weight. Complete the activities here: Science Companion Activities: Scientists classify matter on earth into three main categories: Solids, Liquids, and Gases (Plasma is not a "main" category.). Do we know about each of these categories? These are called "States of Matter." What makes something a solid, liquid, or gas? Can we classify the examples from our classroom into those three categories? Whole-Class Activity: Watch the top two videos together as a class. Students who finish early can watch the third video and you could save the fourth video for a 25 minute period or a substitute (Optional). Independent Student Activity: Directions:
Don't click on these pictures until your three-column chart from above is done. Then, use these images to check your work.
Investigating Matter
Our Winter Trimester Science Unit (November-February). ArchivesCategories |