Evidence from the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 School Years:
The teacher seeks out opportunities for professional development and makes a systematic effort to conduct action research:
Workshops & Conferences Attended (2017-2019):
Travel related to Professional Learning (2017-2019):
Presentations & Publications (2017-2019):
Hydroponics in the Classrooom:
Skills21 and ArcSkills Presentation:
Unlocking SEL in the Intermediate Grades: Social Emotional Learning in Our 5th Grade Classroom:
Creating Student-Centered Classrooms:
Introduction to "State of Sustainability":
Conducts Action Research in the classroom:
- Teaching 4th grade has provided me LOTS of opportunities to explore new ways of teaching, new programs to use to supplement our district-adopted programs, and new tech tools to try out with kids! Some of these include:
- Math Workshop
- Guided Reading 2019 style
- Writing City
- Try Engineering Together
- Math in Focus (Years 1 & 2)
- Words Their Way (Years 1 & 2)
- Skills21
- Using Flexible Seating in the classroom
- Using exit slips as a means of formative assessment
- Using Fact Fixer to try to improve math fact fluency
- Creating a KinderPals mentoring program
- Finding authentic purposes for a Maker Space
- Using IXL to pre-teach, re-teach, and provide extra practice for math skills
Actively seeking feedback from others (2017-2019):
Evidence from Previous Years:
Workshops/Classes Attended (2015-2017):
- Attended the 2015 NICE Conference
- Attended the 2015 EdCampChicago
- Attended the 2015 Tech Academy
- Attended the 2016 ICE Conference
- Attended the 2016 SIT Conference with three of my students.
- Attended the 2016 EdCampIllinois
- Attended the 2016 Deerfield Summer Leadership Retreat
Travel related to Professional Learning (2015-2017):
- Attended the 2016 November Learning - Boston Learning Conference
- Presented at the 2016 Berrian Springs, Michigan District In-Service
Presented at Conferences (2015-2017):
- The 2015 Inaugural "What Great Educators Do Differently" Conference
- 2015 Crystal Lake Transliteracy Conference
- Lake County CRC
Actively seeking feedback from others (2015-2017):
- Regularly invited Scott, Brad (and Caz) into the classroom for special events.
- Had dozens of observers from our district and surrounding districts observe in class and collaborate after school and/or at lunch.
- Signed up to have guests observe in our room for "The Leader in Me" Leadership Day.