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What's going on in Mr. Solarz' Class? |
My Reflection I think I did really good on my project all tho I tried really hard to create paper myself at home and at school I could not do it. The reason why was because you needed this machine that will pull the pulp out of the leaves and the tree but I tried and tried and I still could not get it when I researched this the answer was obvious and right as I started my project Mr.Solarz answered my question right in front of me so there was not much more to research but I still tried and that what mattered about my project and that is why I researched on this topic and I was curious about it and I could just ask a family member how it was made but I went in depth and researched on this topic. One thing that I would try to stop was how much paper we make! Like come people we don't need that much paper! Is it more important to make paper than breath!? There are also certain why use trees. Another question I have: Is there different things we can make paper out of then just trees.
What is the mechanic of a boat and can I make a poster and a video explaining it? By Gavin12/19/2017
ReflectionI learned a lot of thing about a boats mechanics. It was very fun researching about the boat. I learned that the boat in designed from different part to make the boat float o water. Another thing is that I learned that the boat has ben very useful to humans, because we can use it to get around easily for the earlier civilizations and when they were made out of wood. People thought it was easy to get around to places over water for transportation like the titanic. Some boat can be power by humans such as with a paddle, oars, and by one or more engine. The first type of boat was a boat that you could make out of wood it was carved out of wood that was the first boat.
Reflection,I really liked this project and definitely learned a lot about the process of volcanoes erupting. The most fun I had with this project was learning about the lava and magma in the volcano and out of it. It was really fun because the lava was really cool and the eruption were so amazing how they erupted. The easiest part of this was probably finding facts about what the volcano looks like and what is inside it. I learned a lot about the cycle, way more then I thought I would and I think I will have a fun time explaining what I learned to others. I felt like I learned the amount I wanted for this project and did a great job finding information.
Reflection When I was doing this, I had a lot of fun. Since I love reading and researching, this was the perfect project for me. My favorite part was the researching and reading, but my least favorite part was putting the words I learned into my website since I had to keep on adding text boxes, but all in all, it was worth it. If I were to redo it and try again, things I would do differently are to be better at my time management an get it done quicker. If someone else were to do a project like this, the advice that I would give them would to do a lot of research and read a lot of language books. Some stuff that was hard for me was when I had to make the video because I didn't know what to say in it. I had to think of things on the way of making it because I didn't plan it out enough. Another thing that was most fun was when I was making the website because I like challenges and this was a real challenge. Also, another thing that was easy was when I was reading the books and doing the research because I do that as a hobby in my everyday routine, so this was a piece of cake for me.
The outline for our sports court.
Mikey S reflection. I learned that it is hard to make a game because we had so little objects to choose from. The hardest thing we had to was trying to make the game so everyone could play it (affordable). I also learned that it is hard to narrow two peoples ideas in to one. It was fun when we made the video because it was fun for me to explain are game and how it worked. Another thing that was hard for me was to decide what our court looked like. Their was also some easy things that we did like was the blog post and coming up with our ideas. I would change the materials that we used because everything costs money and we choose so many materials that not everyone has and might not what to buy so in the end not everyone can play our sport, and I kind of to make the sport so everyone could play the sport. But I still like how it turned out. If anyone wanted to do something like what we did I would tell them that it is hard and it takes a lot of work and time, and that you want to make sure that people like your sport and would want to play it. Also you might want to use the smallest amount of stuff so more people could play it with out having to go to the store, or you might want to make your own materials. 8 Comments Mikey F reflection. One of the things I learned was how hard it is to think of and idea for a sport that hasn’t been invented yet. So we took things from other games and made them into our own game. The most fun part probably would have been playing the game, but we never got to because we didn’t have the right court. So the most fun part was probably adding the finishing touches to our game. The hardest part was trying to come up with an idea for a sport that was not yet invented. The easiest part was making our video because, by the time we were making our video we were pretty much pros on the gameplay and rules of our sport. Next time I would probably do my best to create a game that I actually got to play. What I would tell people who are creating a game or sport is that when they are thinking about how the game will be played they have to make sure that their sport does not start to become too much like an already invented game or sport.
Reflection I learned a lot about the Vietnam war, I learned that there are 10 ranks of a military soldier and you need to exceed the requirements before you rank up, and to be the highest rank in the military you have to have served for 9 YEARS! I also learned that combatants on both sides faced physical challenges posed by the climate, terrain and wildlife of the country, also on top of that there was no war front to advance, no safe region to defend, not even a well defined theatre in which to operate. That is some of the most interesting stuff I learned. I had the most fun reading about the military ranks, because it just blew my mind about what the requirements were in order to rank up for some of the ranks, like for the highest rank, you have to serve for 9 YEARS! Although it was pretty difficult understanding and pronouncing some of the words used in the definitions, like guerrilla, Because I had to search up how to pronounce words like guerrilla, you actually pronounced gorilla, except instead of 'illa', its ella.
What was the Korean war? How was the U.S. Involved? Why Did it Happen? By Owen P. Daniel B.12/13/2017
Can We Make A Website Teaching Others About The Great Pyramids? By: Olivia K. and Brynna G.12/11/2017
Brynna's ReflectionI learned so much about the Great Pyramids! I learned who built them, what they're built out of, and so much more!! What I thought was most fun was creating a website with Olivia, I never knew that I could make a website. I always thought that was for adults or something. Getting the website started, and getting the basic facts about the great pyramids was the most difficult part for me. The easiest part for me was making our YouTube videos of us showing our website and what we learned. Me and Olivia made a tiny pyramid out of clay and I wish we would've taken more time and put more effort into making it, that's what I would have done differently next time. My advice to people that are doing this project is to work very hard on this project and it will turn out good. Olivia's Reflection I learned so much from creating a website about the Great Pyramids, one of the many amazing facts that I learned was that the Great Pyramid was originally covered in casting stones made of limestones. These reflected the Sun’s light and made the pyramids shine. It has been calculated that the original pyramid with its casing stones would act like gigantic mirrors and reflect light so powerful that it would be visible from the moon as a shining star on earth. The most fun thing was creating our own “Great Pyramid of Giza”! The most difficult thing was finding facts and putting them in our own words. Some advice I would give to people who are also doing this is to try to come up with a lot of questions before you start and answer them.
My ReflectionWhile I was working on my Passion time round 3 I learned a lot about how to speak Italian. I learned a lot more then I had before this project. Before I only knew a few words like women, men, girl, boy, and a few animals and foods. Now I know words and even sentences that are probably the most commonly used sentences in English but I can say them in Italian. I think that the website I created will definitely help people to learn Italian and will get them further in knowledge about Italian. Now that I've done this project I might be able to have a small conversation like a sentence or two with someone in Italy. One of the easiest parts for me was answering the KWH and LAQ questions. One of the harder parts fro me was creating my website because that was the one that took me the longest and it was harder because of all the typing it took to create it. One of the more more fun things for me was the creating of the website because I got to add colors and pictures and I learned a lot of Italian words and even sentences. That is the reason I liked this project I learned so much more and I am very proud of my project. One of the things I think I could've done better was I could've maybe done a little better in the video where I show my website and what it is all about.
During this passion time I had fun watching videos on how optical illusions work. I also loved planing, sketching and drawing the optical illusion that we came up with. The part that was most difficult of this passion time was the part when we had to create what the optical illusion would look like. The easiest part was probably figuring out how optical illusions work. I also think it was pretty easy to draw the optical illusion. I not only had fun ,but I learned lots I learned that your brain takes shortcuts so that it doesn't take 1\10 of a second to see things with clear details. I also learned that the brain gets tricked by color and light patterns because it takes the shortcut. I advise people who do a project like this to make sure they spend their time very very very wisely. And to think about things ahead of time because you really need to know what is going to happen next passion time period so there is a plan and you know what to do, which makes you more productive. Carmen W.'s reflection During round 3 passion time I learned that light and some color patters trick your eyes. I also learned that your brain takes shortcuts. The most fun thing we did this passion time was drawing the optical illusion. It was fun watching videos on illusions so that we knew what it was that tricked your eyes. Sometimes it is the weird colors that confused your mind but normally it is the repeat of patterns that are really crazy to your eyes. I thought it was very difficult to decide the patterns on the illusion and how to incorporate them. The next time I do this I will most likely use a different kind of pattern on the paper so that I will have a better challenge. If other people do this I would recommend they look at a couple videos to see if they get any other cool ideas from that. After that I think you should research it and decide the cool pattern. If you this project, you do not have to have an elaborate design. You can even start out with something simple.
Shaun's Reflection Learning this Passion Time with Tommy has been a blast! I'm capable of having fun while learning with a partner. I learned how many line it takes to line up a shadow when I was drawing the 3D letter A. It's also better to use a black mark to color the finale shadow. Also, to make the A, it's just a normal letter, until you draw line out to show the side of it. We also learned how to a bridge that looks so 3D, you think can put your hand under it. All you need to do is draw the outside of the ground, then draw lines to make walls of the rock. Working with Tommy made a great difference! He very nice and can adjust very well to the project! Working with him made Passion Time much more joyful! I'm very happy about our topic because I love art. But I had never realized how hard, but very fun, illusions are to draw! I'm hoping that Tommy enjoyed this work as much as I did! He helped a lot, so he deserves to have great time too! I cannot wait to tackle the next Passion Time! After this Passion Time, I feel ready to take on any project while learning so much and having a whole lot of fun! Tommy's Reflection I learned a lot doing this project. I learned how to shade better, how to line up the shading and the object with the shadow and how hard it is just to make a 3D letter. I think the most fun was the drawing part, because I like to draw and I think that looking at a video or just any image is challenge to draw. My favorite drawing was probably the creek is valley with a bridge over it. I had fun with that because I liked shading which I'm not amazing at so I liked the challenge. I think the most difficult thing was drawing a letter A with a shadow behind it. That one was had for me because I to line up everything between the shadow and the letter. I think the easiest part was making the Trello card because I've done that before and I knew how to add attachments to it and design it and upload to here. I think next time I'll try to work a bit slower because I have a habit of rushing on a lot of stuff. If had to give advice to somebody doing this project I'd tell them not to rush, and to make sure you remember to add in the details.
My Reflection I think that during this Passion time I did really well because Making a boat out of only sinkable items is like impossible it was so hard to make one I could not find anything that sinks except dice and popsicle sticks for my boat. Even if it was just a little thing I did not use it at all. My boat took lots of waiting for the glue to dry but at the same time it took lots of hard work to do the gluing. I think this Passion time I was very speedy and I got lots done and made a good blog post. I think next time I will try to get a really try to pick a harder question so I work more. I think my rating out of ten would be a 7/10 because I did not pick a hard enough question. Next Passion time I will want a partner to help me create a blogpost and I want my next Passion time to do with creating some thing like a machine or like a website that is very hard and takes lots of time like a website. Plus I successfully took the dominoes off the ship ad that was very hard.
Reflection I learned a lot about problem solving this passion time periods. It was a challenge to pronounce some of the words and remember how to pronounce them. Even though it was difficult it was fun to learn how to speak a whole different language. I also enjoyed making my own website that I could make my own like with cool french pictures and decided which pages were important. Advice I would give to someone else doing this project would be to keep focused and to write down how exactly to pronounce any new words you learned. You should also keep something like a doc or a spreadsheet so you don't lose any words. The most fun part was making my video on how to pronounce the words because I got to actually say all of the words with the French accent I had been practicing at home. So it was fun because my work paid off.
Reflection paragraph Before I didn't know that visual effect were actual called CGI effects. I learned that adding visual effects to movies is not that hard as I thought that it would it be. I kinda knew already how visual effects in movies happened but this kind of refreshed my memory. The most fun that I had was making and designing the website itself. It was interesting. The most difficult was getting the facts correct. On almost every website that I went on there was something different that was important. So it was hard actually making sure that the facts were correct. The most easiest for me was making the video. Making the video was the easiest because I just had to read trough the website. Next time I would probably choose a topic that I have been looking forward into and that I knew it was easier to research. The advice that I would give to other people is to pick a topic that they have been looking into to and/or that have a bit of background information on. Also to try and not spend time between steps, what I mean by this is, when you are finished with a step, right afterwords start on the next step instead of spending time between steps.
What was the most fun? The most fun thing for me was coming up with the phrases that I learned in Spanish.That was the most fun for me because I could see how the words changed in pronunciation, and how they stayed the same. Also I was just super happy to be working with a part of my heretic. What was difficult? I have to say the most difficult thing for me was finding a good enough website to help me learn the words in the most efficient and non- time consuming that I could. What was easy? The easiest thing that I did was creating my website. Although I had to learn how to use the new Google sites, i managed to come up with a pretty cool and attractive website that in my opinion was really helpful. What would I do differently next time? One thing I would do differently next time is I will not sign up for Spanish Pod 101, I was so time consuming and did not even help. I would NOT recommend this to anyone else. What advice can I give others who are doing a project like this? My advise would be hust to have fun, and be confident. Also I would say NOT to use Spanish Pod 101.
Demo of our game played by Caitlin:Demo of our game played by Elle: |
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