Our Pet Park!
Brynna's Reflection:I learned how to say many basic words and phrases in Polish. Some were hard to say and others were very easy to say. I think something that was difficult for me was creating sentences because you had to know how to say the words in the sentence and sometimes that was very hard. Something that was very easy for me was saying some of the basic words in Polish. For example the word "Yes" in Polish is "Tak", so that was pretty easy for me. There was a lot of fun things while doing this project. One basic thing that was fun was just learning a new language. It's cool to see how different the words are from English. When I learn a new language it almost feels like I own another thing. Something that I would do differently next time is trying to learn more words to make sentences with because I spent a lot of time focusing on just words instead of full sentences. Kya's Reflection:I learned that the Polish language is a lot different from the English language because some words are very hard and some are pretty easy. An example of an easy word is "Za" which means "A" in english. An example of a hard is "miłość"
which means "love" in English. Something that I thought was fun was pronouncing the Polish words because they're not at all the same from English words. I also had fun working with a partner because if you didn't understand how to pronounce something, or if you didn't know how to spell or do something, that they could help you. Something I would do differently next time is I would use different resources other than google translate because google translate isn't always that accurate. Some advice that I would give to others who are doing a project like this is use your time very wisely otherwise you won't get that much done. Like my partner always remembered to tell me to get back on track If I was not.
L What Have I Learned? A What Action Will I take? Q What Questions Do I still have?
My Reflection ParagraphI think in this Passion time compared to others was much quicker and had bigger KWH's, LAQ's and I had better statements . I think that researching was much easier and much quicker because I was more focused and had more help from others plus this was a very strong topic for me because I love soccer. Something that was a little harder was to try and push myself to get more info. The most fun part of this passion time round was to make a giant timeline bigger then me that was fun. I will remember to push myself to get a strong topic take my time and help others.
The NBA helped me learn a lot of facts like the NBA draft is held in the same place as the NBA lottery. Also the first draft started at 1947. I learn a lot of fact when me and my partner research. We learn 25 fact about the NBA draft. when we started the draft, I did not now anything about it but after the project right now I have learn a lot of new.I had a lot of question at the beginning. I had like 5 question but I have like 1 or two they are how many college player come to the draft or sign up. My second is how many commissioners are there. Ian's Summary I learned a lot about how the NBA draft works and what happens it. I also learned that this topic is a very fun and pretty hard topic because I got to research my favorite sport but it was hard to find different websites that had useful facts otherwise than two-three websites, but they had very good facts.
The most fun of the project was actually learning the facts because I learned facts that were really cool and I had a lot of aha moments. I got to also learn about when my favorite players were draft like Micheal Jordan drafted in round, one pick, three. What me and my partner had trouble with was finding useful websites. We could only fine two or three websites, but those websites had a lot of facts on them but still it was very hard to find websites and also videos. It was also hard to stay on topic with all these other NBA things popping up that you really want to press on. A easy thing was When we found websites that were useful there were so many facts and so much to learn on them. One of the useful websites I would recommend is wikipedia because i was able to find a lot of my facts using it. It was also easy to comprehending what I was reading, I was able to understand everything that I was reading and watching. If I had another time to do this project I would wish to try more on topic. When me and my partner were working we got off track sometimes and did not talk about the NBA draft and got side tracked. The problem was that me and my partner know so much about the NBA but not the draft so if we saw something else pop up that was not about the draft sometimes we would get side tracked and click on it but then slowly get back on topic. If I would give advice to others who are doing a project I would tell them, That you need to stay on topic which is pretty hard, you also should use websites not Youtube because it is very hard to find videos on this topic. I would recommend to use Wikipedia because it was a very helpful website for me and my partner. I would also tell them that this is a very fun topic and you learn a lot about the NBA draft and would find out facts that you would not think you would learn. The last thing I would tell them is that I hope they have fun researching the draft and use the tips I gave them and put them to good use. How were the Olympics invented and how has it changed over the years? By, Isabella P. and Gianna P.10/20/2017
Can we create a playground for disabled children from an app/website?Olivia and Carmen W.10/20/2017
Olivia's Paragraph I learned what things disabled children can do and can't do. I also learned how to use the website that we used. The most fun thing was creating the playground. The thing that was difficult was that we had to eliminate a lot of stuff and add things that playgrounds usually don't have. Something that I would do differently is that I would have made more things that they can play with. The thing that was the most fun was creating this and adding more each time. The website we used was called room sketcher and it is a very good website. I really enjoyed doing this and I will probably do something like this again. Carmen's Paragraph
I learned that using this website is difficult if it is your first try. Toward the end I had a problem with moving some stairs near the bottom but it turned out to look okay even though I could not remove them. I also learned that Room Sketcher does not have everything you need. I researched the different disabilities you can have and came up with a lot! Although our playground does not solve every issue that people have for playing, at least some kids would be able to play here and have fun with kids just like them! :) I would have liked if we could have added more things but it seems pretty good. I liked it so much I might even do this kind of thing again.
Owen's reflection
I learned that the runway has a jet under it to launch stuff which is called a catupult. Our Aircaft carrier can float even know there was a lot of holes but there was no spot where its trapped and sinks. I think It was really fun when I made these plane's that where fun to play with. And are will it float video. float but it tipped a bit.
I think it was hard to make the bottom because it got stuck to a paper towel.the front was broken of the air craft carrier but it was kind of easy. If I did it agin I would make a bigger air craft carrier and try to paint it.If some one did this I sugest mostly use tape to keep it together and glue to keep stuff in place and for the planes. Mikey's reflection
I learned that it is fun to work with a partner during passion. Also some thing can still float if the weight is uneven. I had the most fun when we were building it, and when we first saw it it could float. That was my favorite part. We had a lot of trouble putting it, and deciding what it was going to look like. Also what we were going to use to make it. An easy part was when we made the video, and the plans. Also some of the special touches were easy too. If I did it again I would have tried to make the entire thing out popsicle sticks so we wont use plastic cups to make it float. If you tried this try and make it so it is not lopsided. Plus tap the popsicle sticks close to one another so their is a less chance for water to get in side, and making it sink. Finally if you try and make one see how big and detailed you can make it.
Reflection By WesI think I did great on my project I really tried to find a magic trick that worked for me. The main thing was it took me a long time. when I made my video there was 2 periods left! I don't know if there is a easier way to find it for me? When I thought of how to do a magic trick I really wanted to do it. When there is a idea that is about magic tricks I had to try those tricks. My idea of a magic trick is WHOA. In my learn section I wrote "some magic tricks can be hard." Some magic trick like (disappearing the statue of liberty) are hard to do and I don't know if I could be able to pull that off and it is one of those things were you need a lot of practice. I may stick with non crazy magic trick like eating razorblades! The most crazy like I mentioned disappear the state of liberty is doing the impossible.
Reflection - MartinI learned how smartphones work, I learned alot more about Apple phones and I even learned things. I also learned about Android things that I didn't know! I think the most fun was making the website, because there were lots of cool things that we added into it like the survey page and the opinions page. Probably the most difficult was learning about Apple because I do not use an Apple phone. The easiest thing would probably be the Android section because I have used Android for a long time and I am alot more familiar with Android. My advice to others is to make sure you have everything and all the information before you finish.Also don't rush because you might not get all of the information you need or the correct information, this is not a race. My last piece of advice is, whenever you are doing a new passion time project I recommend you to have some background information on the project topic that you are doing. It is always good to have some background information on the project that you are working on because if you have no background information it will probably take you longer for the project and it is always good to have extra rounds for passion time. Reflection - TommyI learned a lot about smartphones that I didn't know, I learned more IOS things than Android because I don't use IOS things so I'm not too familiar with them, but I learned a lot, I learned a few things about Android too. Designing websites is always fun for me, so I enjoyed designing our website. I learned all of the different Android operating systems. I think the easiest part for me was Android, I know a lot about it and use it myself. But, on the flip side, IOS things were hard for me because I don't use at all pretty much, I only use AppleTV. Next time I do a passion time project I think I'll try to write a little more and use descriptive words. If I gave somebody advice about this project, I'd say that it is good to know a little about each phone because if you know nothing then it will take you longer and you should include the information you already know the phones because then you won't have to search those extra things up. Also certain websites will give you more information, Martin and I found a lot about Iphones on the website for Iphones. I think it's always good to know a website that gives the information you need.
Carmen's Reflection I really really enjoyed this passion time project. It was so fun it didn't feel like school work. I even did a lot of of the work at home and on my own time because it was so fun to do. It also was a very thick question and with lots of follow up questions. We found lots of information on our big question. It was a very fun and good question especially since I really really love Harry Potter. All in all this was my favorite passion time project that I have done so far. Lucy's Reflection I really really liked this experience with Carmen. I think we had some struggles at first, but overcame them as we moved on with the project. I think this was a very easy project, but we had an equal amount of struggles and obstacles. My favorite part was creating our website. It was my favorite because I had a lot of fun changing the fonts and backgrounds and pictures. I think the most important thing that I learned was that two brains are better that one.
Reflection(s)I think that we did pretty good. I think that we did good because it was only my second time doing it and I learned a ton about illusions. I learned about all of the different types and I learned about how they worked. I also learned about some of the really cool and famous illusions. The only thing that I wish I did better was getting it done by the deadline. Out of ten I think that I would give myself a 9/10 because I learned a ton it just took me a while. Some cool things that I learned are that there are 7 different types of illusions and I learned how they work. I also learned what the differences of the illusions are and what they do and some famous examples of them. One crazy fact I learned was there are 3 main types of illusions and then one of the types called cognitive and it has 4 sub types of it. I also learned how to draw a really cool illusion called the impossible triangle. The most fun part of this project for me was drawing the illusions and learning how to make them better. I think that the hardest part of doing this was understanding what the descriptions of the different illusions were. Something that was easy was making the website and designing the layout and pictures. Something I would do differently next time is try to wrap it up a little earlier and try not to waste as much time finding the definition and try to finish by the deadline not the day after. I would also try to just stick with making just one or 2 illusions because I tried a ton of different illusions and wasted some time just giving up on them because they were to hard. If I had to give advice to somebody else doing this topic I would tell them to get ready for a lot of different types of illusions because I was really surprised when I learned that there were 7 different types of illusions and I would also tell them that there are a ton of hard and confusing words in the definition of the illusions so they should look for sites for kids that have some easier words. All in all I think that this was a really cool topic and I really enjoyed it and I would suggest doing this project too if you are interested in illusions. I think I did really well but next time I will just try to finish before the deadline. By Daniel I learned that there are 3 types of optical illusions, and from one of the types; Cognitive there are 4 types of Cognitive illusions; Paradox, Ambiguos, Distorting, and fictional. I had the most fun Drawing our before and after learning illusions because it was fun to see how hard or easy it was to really draw the illusions. It was difficult to finish on the deadline because there are 7 types of optical illusions and we had to tour our whole seven pages in our video. After we learned how optical illusions work it was easy to draw our illusions because we knew what we we doing and what to make sure to do while drawing. next time what I will do differently is I will stay more focused so can finish by the deadline.
By Will |
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