This is the flag of The Republic of Espurnur. This is what all of the colors mean:
Green: Safety
Blue: Loyalty and Trustworthiness
Red: Power and Courage
White: Purity
Yellow: Happiness and Creativity
This is what the shapes mean:
Rectangles: Trustworthiness
Square: Equality and Peacefulness
Star: Balance
Green: Safety
Blue: Loyalty and Trustworthiness
Red: Power and Courage
White: Purity
Yellow: Happiness and Creativity
This is what the shapes mean:
Rectangles: Trustworthiness
Square: Equality and Peacefulness
Star: Balance
We the people of the United Kingdom of Coconuttia, in order to form an interplanetary union, strive to embrace our differences and peacefully live with one another fraternally. We are united with a hope to make Coconuttia into a thriving country that is welcoming to all peoples. Our citizens’ rights will be protected because we want to work for the common good and care about each others’ well being. Our dignity shall be protected, as well as the prosperity of the whole nation, so that we will have justice, harmony, self-reliance, and cooperation in this and future generations on our planet. With these beliefs, the United Kingdom of Coconuttia will remain safe, reliable, and equal for all living things.
Article 1: Legislative Branch
All legislative powers shall be granted to Congress, and we will have one house called the House of the Senate.
Groups will be created based on the professions of citizens. One person in each group will be named the representative. The representatives need to be at least thirty years old to serve in the House of the Senate. Anyone can propose a law to the representative of their group. If the representative approves the law then he/she brings it to Congress. The representatives will go and debate with the other representatives in Congress to get the law approved. If the law gets the majority of votes in Congress, it will go to the president. The Vice President will be head of Congress, but is not allowed to vote unless the votes are equally divided.
The president can veto the bill .If the president vetoes the bill more than ⅔ of us can vote to have it back, then we can get it back. If the president approves the bill, it will become a law. After the president approves a law, it will go to the judicial branch so they can decide how to enforce it and the consequences that will happen if the law is broken.
We will not tax the citizens unless the population reaches over 800 people, then we will begin to tax the citizens. Government officials will be taxed too. Our currency will be in paper and digital form.
Government officials in the Legislative Branch have the power to impeach someone in office for good reasons, but the judicial branch will be able to declare a presidential act unconstitutional. If we decide to impeach someone in office we would have to discuss with the Judicial Branch to see if we are correct. When someone is impeached, they are given one strike. When they get three strikes, they will be removed from office. If the first unconstitutional act is severely unjust than the Judicial Branch will decide if they are guilty.
All laws that will be administered are undoubtedly necessary and proper. They will provide for the general welfare and the common good of Coconuttia. To solve issues in Coconuttia we will have meetings monthly to get majority votes.
Article 2: Executive Branch
The President will be elected by the people. The job of the executive branch is to enforce the laws and supporting the laws.The people right who they want to be the president on a piece of paper which is sealed in a envelope and put it in the box which is then sent to the government, and if it is a tie then we will have a representative to decide for us. The president is elected by the people so that we have a leader that all members of Coconuttiia are happy with their leader. Once the President is elected, he/she will have to approve and enforce the laws. The president will lead Coconuttia with peace and courage. He/She will be the person responsible for keeping Coconuttia safe and strong. The jobs that should be in the executive branch should and they should be Vice president, President, Cabin etc. The presidents cabinets job is to advise the president on any subject he has to do something about, The presidents cabinet includes the vice president and the and the head of 15 executive departments which are the department of health human services,Housing,State etc. Who ever is being elected and is by the voting box should be disqualified from the election because they could use bribery for like food and other stuff and because they could interfere and get more votes. The soon to be president should have to say a speech saying all the things good that they would do for Coconuttia. In election to make sure that there are no frauds who vote twice or make sure that one person wins definitely. Once the president is elected he/she will have the power to veto or approve a bill if decided. If the president decides to veto the bill it will be sent back to congress, But the bill can still be made if there is a 2/3 vote for it in congress. In case the president dies he/she should have are back up to president which would be the vice president. Once the president is elected he/she needs to say an oath before stepping in his office to become president. Every year the president is in office he needs to be paid 100,000 dollars per year. The president should have power to send people to go to important things for our mars country. The president should be impeached if Bribery, treason, or other high crimes occur. The police will be able to enforce the laws and and keep the citizens safe from any crime. The police has the power to shoot his gun if necessary and he is not allowed to kill the person but he is allowed to shoot the person in like the leg. If the president harms coconuttia he needs to be kicked out of office and the vice president fills him in, also we will elect a new vice president. If president gets kicked out of office, than he will fill in the very last job available. The president should set a budget when the population reaches over 800 people The executive power should be vested in a president of the United Kingdom of Coconuttia. The president needs to get 20% of our taxes because he/she pays for a lot of our things.
Article 3: Judicial Branch (Hanna, Emily, Nicole, Tucker, Ryan, Aidan & Madi)
The judicial branch's job is to interpret the law by deciding if it is constitutional or unconstitutional. In the Judicial Branch, we will only have two judges. One judge will be there and one will be a back up judge. We will also have five people in our jury. The judges decide if someone is convicted of treason, and two witness have had to see it or have evidence of the crime. The legislative branch will decide if someone should be impeached, then they bring them to Coco Court to be found guilty or not guilty. We will have two courts. One of the courts is The Lower Court, which is for civil and criminal cases. The other court shall be called The Coco Court, which is the upper court that is for any major cases. The courts have the power to Judicial Review, Judicial Review is where we decide if a law goes against the constitution.
We shall punish people by fining them, a duration of time in jail, an act of a test, repayment to victims, community service, and house arrest. There shall be no death penalty allowed. If someone steals another person’s property they will have to go to the criminal court (The Lower Court) to see what the punishment is. If someone threatens or tries to kill the other person they will go to jail. The jail time will be as long as the judge decides. The judge will decide depending on how serious the threat was. There is one exception of the death penalty and it is because of treason. Treason will not be allowed because it is for the sake of our country. A way to get fined is for example to be breaking one law of the bill of rights. If you break more it will also be a length of time in jail. If you use any type of drugs with the exception of medicine drugs you will be fined. You will also be fined for trespassing and vandalism. You can only be sewed if you take other peoples money. The investigator will check everyone’s bag (if they have one) before you enter any building.
Federal Judges can only be removed through impeachment by Congress. Judges serve until their death or retirement, unless they are impeached. The Judges decision is the final decision. All Jury members must be chosen or invited. The defendant gets to chose if they want a Jury or a Judge. If both are chosen then the Judge just makes sure everyone is following directions. The Jury makes the decision if you are guilty or not guilty. If you sue someone then you don’t always get the decision of a Jury, and you will go to Civil Court (The Lower Court). We shall keep all the amendments in the United States constitution with some changes. The changes are we can have a gun but ONLY to defend yourself. Congress determines the jurisdiction of the federal courts.
The Bill of Rights for Coconuttia
Amendment 1: The first amendment protects our freedom of expression but you can not say something that is not true. You get a lawyer even if you are guilty. You can believe in any catur you want. People can try to believe in their culture but you dont have to.
Amendment 2: The Second Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms, or own guns. Anyone can own a gun, but they have to pass a test that will give them a license. Police officers are automatically given a license when they get accepted for the job.
Amendment 3: The Third Amendment will prevent the government from forcing citizens to take care of anyone who protects us from harm.
Amendment 4: The Fourth amendment will forbid any unreasonable searches and taking of property. The only time this may happen is if court gives the searchers a search warrant. The search warrant can only be used once on one house. But you may not even with a search warrant seize property. If caught without a search warrant you should be sent to trial.
Amendment 5: The Fifth Amendment protects the rights of Coconuttians who are suspected of a crime. The 5th amendment will allow you to remain silent when forced to be a witness against your self. As a adden to that, confessions must be given freely The 5th Amendment protects you from double jeopardy. The Coconuttia government can also not punish people without due process (Due Process: proper legal procedures, such as a fair trial) of the law.
Amendment 6: In the Sixth Amendment, if you are accused of something, you will have a right to go to a speedy trial where the judges will be able to listen to you. You should also have a witness which will defend you in trail if you’re trying to prove something or give a point. There will be about three people in a witness. You will always have the right to be listened to and reasoned to. The government will provide a lawyer only if you cannot afford to get one. You will not have to pay for a witness if you are accused of a crime.
Amendment 7: The seventh amendment will give people the right to a trial in civil court with a jury to settle disputes if the damages are over $30.
Amendment 8: Unreasonable bail, fines and cruel and unusual punishment is not allowed. People should be punished based on how bad the crime was but never hurt unless they are a threat to a lot of people.
Amendment 9: The ninth amendment, some of our rights are not listed that does not mean we can act in an unifeccent way in our new colony. Whoever is in charge can not control our rights if we have them. This means the president can not take our rights away if we are in control of our rights, at that moment of time. If you are violating other people's rights you should have a consequence only if it was a little violation.
Amendment 10: The powers not given to the United Kingdom of Coconuttia by the Constitution belong to the people.
Amendment 11: No People in Coconuttia will be allowed to threaten or purposely hurt anyone else in Coconuttia, or they shall go to trial. No one shall do anything that harms our life in Coconuttia or hurts our equipment.
Amendment 12: The twelfth amendment states that slavery is illegal in Coconuttia.
Amendment 13: The thirteenth amendment states that every citizen of Coconuttia has the right to vote for new laws and to elect new leaders.
We the people of the United Kingdom of Coconuttia, in order to form an interplanetary union, strive to embrace our differences and peacefully live with one another fraternally. We are united with a hope to make Coconuttia into a thriving country that is welcoming to all peoples. Our citizens’ rights will be protected because we want to work for the common good and care about each others’ well being. Our dignity shall be protected, as well as the prosperity of the whole nation, so that we will have justice, harmony, self-reliance, and cooperation in this and future generations on our planet. With these beliefs, the United Kingdom of Coconuttia will remain safe, reliable, and equal for all living things.
Article 1: Legislative Branch
All legislative powers shall be granted to Congress, and we will have one house called the House of the Senate.
Groups will be created based on the professions of citizens. One person in each group will be named the representative. The representatives need to be at least thirty years old to serve in the House of the Senate. Anyone can propose a law to the representative of their group. If the representative approves the law then he/she brings it to Congress. The representatives will go and debate with the other representatives in Congress to get the law approved. If the law gets the majority of votes in Congress, it will go to the president. The Vice President will be head of Congress, but is not allowed to vote unless the votes are equally divided.
The president can veto the bill .If the president vetoes the bill more than ⅔ of us can vote to have it back, then we can get it back. If the president approves the bill, it will become a law. After the president approves a law, it will go to the judicial branch so they can decide how to enforce it and the consequences that will happen if the law is broken.
We will not tax the citizens unless the population reaches over 800 people, then we will begin to tax the citizens. Government officials will be taxed too. Our currency will be in paper and digital form.
Government officials in the Legislative Branch have the power to impeach someone in office for good reasons, but the judicial branch will be able to declare a presidential act unconstitutional. If we decide to impeach someone in office we would have to discuss with the Judicial Branch to see if we are correct. When someone is impeached, they are given one strike. When they get three strikes, they will be removed from office. If the first unconstitutional act is severely unjust than the Judicial Branch will decide if they are guilty.
All laws that will be administered are undoubtedly necessary and proper. They will provide for the general welfare and the common good of Coconuttia. To solve issues in Coconuttia we will have meetings monthly to get majority votes.
Article 2: Executive Branch
The President will be elected by the people. The job of the executive branch is to enforce the laws and supporting the laws.The people right who they want to be the president on a piece of paper which is sealed in a envelope and put it in the box which is then sent to the government, and if it is a tie then we will have a representative to decide for us. The president is elected by the people so that we have a leader that all members of Coconuttiia are happy with their leader. Once the President is elected, he/she will have to approve and enforce the laws. The president will lead Coconuttia with peace and courage. He/She will be the person responsible for keeping Coconuttia safe and strong. The jobs that should be in the executive branch should and they should be Vice president, President, Cabin etc. The presidents cabinets job is to advise the president on any subject he has to do something about, The presidents cabinet includes the vice president and the and the head of 15 executive departments which are the department of health human services,Housing,State etc. Who ever is being elected and is by the voting box should be disqualified from the election because they could use bribery for like food and other stuff and because they could interfere and get more votes. The soon to be president should have to say a speech saying all the things good that they would do for Coconuttia. In election to make sure that there are no frauds who vote twice or make sure that one person wins definitely. Once the president is elected he/she will have the power to veto or approve a bill if decided. If the president decides to veto the bill it will be sent back to congress, But the bill can still be made if there is a 2/3 vote for it in congress. In case the president dies he/she should have are back up to president which would be the vice president. Once the president is elected he/she needs to say an oath before stepping in his office to become president. Every year the president is in office he needs to be paid 100,000 dollars per year. The president should have power to send people to go to important things for our mars country. The president should be impeached if Bribery, treason, or other high crimes occur. The police will be able to enforce the laws and and keep the citizens safe from any crime. The police has the power to shoot his gun if necessary and he is not allowed to kill the person but he is allowed to shoot the person in like the leg. If the president harms coconuttia he needs to be kicked out of office and the vice president fills him in, also we will elect a new vice president. If president gets kicked out of office, than he will fill in the very last job available. The president should set a budget when the population reaches over 800 people The executive power should be vested in a president of the United Kingdom of Coconuttia. The president needs to get 20% of our taxes because he/she pays for a lot of our things.
Article 3: Judicial Branch (Hanna, Emily, Nicole, Tucker, Ryan, Aidan & Madi)
The judicial branch's job is to interpret the law by deciding if it is constitutional or unconstitutional. In the Judicial Branch, we will only have two judges. One judge will be there and one will be a back up judge. We will also have five people in our jury. The judges decide if someone is convicted of treason, and two witness have had to see it or have evidence of the crime. The legislative branch will decide if someone should be impeached, then they bring them to Coco Court to be found guilty or not guilty. We will have two courts. One of the courts is The Lower Court, which is for civil and criminal cases. The other court shall be called The Coco Court, which is the upper court that is for any major cases. The courts have the power to Judicial Review, Judicial Review is where we decide if a law goes against the constitution.
We shall punish people by fining them, a duration of time in jail, an act of a test, repayment to victims, community service, and house arrest. There shall be no death penalty allowed. If someone steals another person’s property they will have to go to the criminal court (The Lower Court) to see what the punishment is. If someone threatens or tries to kill the other person they will go to jail. The jail time will be as long as the judge decides. The judge will decide depending on how serious the threat was. There is one exception of the death penalty and it is because of treason. Treason will not be allowed because it is for the sake of our country. A way to get fined is for example to be breaking one law of the bill of rights. If you break more it will also be a length of time in jail. If you use any type of drugs with the exception of medicine drugs you will be fined. You will also be fined for trespassing and vandalism. You can only be sewed if you take other peoples money. The investigator will check everyone’s bag (if they have one) before you enter any building.
Federal Judges can only be removed through impeachment by Congress. Judges serve until their death or retirement, unless they are impeached. The Judges decision is the final decision. All Jury members must be chosen or invited. The defendant gets to chose if they want a Jury or a Judge. If both are chosen then the Judge just makes sure everyone is following directions. The Jury makes the decision if you are guilty or not guilty. If you sue someone then you don’t always get the decision of a Jury, and you will go to Civil Court (The Lower Court). We shall keep all the amendments in the United States constitution with some changes. The changes are we can have a gun but ONLY to defend yourself. Congress determines the jurisdiction of the federal courts.
The Bill of Rights for Coconuttia
Amendment 1: The first amendment protects our freedom of expression but you can not say something that is not true. You get a lawyer even if you are guilty. You can believe in any catur you want. People can try to believe in their culture but you dont have to.
Amendment 2: The Second Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms, or own guns. Anyone can own a gun, but they have to pass a test that will give them a license. Police officers are automatically given a license when they get accepted for the job.
Amendment 3: The Third Amendment will prevent the government from forcing citizens to take care of anyone who protects us from harm.
Amendment 4: The Fourth amendment will forbid any unreasonable searches and taking of property. The only time this may happen is if court gives the searchers a search warrant. The search warrant can only be used once on one house. But you may not even with a search warrant seize property. If caught without a search warrant you should be sent to trial.
Amendment 5: The Fifth Amendment protects the rights of Coconuttians who are suspected of a crime. The 5th amendment will allow you to remain silent when forced to be a witness against your self. As a adden to that, confessions must be given freely The 5th Amendment protects you from double jeopardy. The Coconuttia government can also not punish people without due process (Due Process: proper legal procedures, such as a fair trial) of the law.
Amendment 6: In the Sixth Amendment, if you are accused of something, you will have a right to go to a speedy trial where the judges will be able to listen to you. You should also have a witness which will defend you in trail if you’re trying to prove something or give a point. There will be about three people in a witness. You will always have the right to be listened to and reasoned to. The government will provide a lawyer only if you cannot afford to get one. You will not have to pay for a witness if you are accused of a crime.
Amendment 7: The seventh amendment will give people the right to a trial in civil court with a jury to settle disputes if the damages are over $30.
Amendment 8: Unreasonable bail, fines and cruel and unusual punishment is not allowed. People should be punished based on how bad the crime was but never hurt unless they are a threat to a lot of people.
Amendment 9: The ninth amendment, some of our rights are not listed that does not mean we can act in an unifeccent way in our new colony. Whoever is in charge can not control our rights if we have them. This means the president can not take our rights away if we are in control of our rights, at that moment of time. If you are violating other people's rights you should have a consequence only if it was a little violation.
Amendment 10: The powers not given to the United Kingdom of Coconuttia by the Constitution belong to the people.
Amendment 11: No People in Coconuttia will be allowed to threaten or purposely hurt anyone else in Coconuttia, or they shall go to trial. No one shall do anything that harms our life in Coconuttia or hurts our equipment.
Amendment 12: The twelfth amendment states that slavery is illegal in Coconuttia.
Amendment 13: The thirteenth amendment states that every citizen of Coconuttia has the right to vote for new laws and to elect new leaders.