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How can I learn to bake cupcakes and teach it to others by making a website? By: Michelle S.3/23/2017
ReflectionI liked this project a lot because I can bring it home and play it. It was pretty easy in some aspects including making the board and making the first few cards but then it got hard to make up new ones. The difficult thing for me was trying to make the game enjoyable. I threw out 5 cards because they either were too easy, too hard or just not related to the game topic. One example is: When did King George III become king? which I thought was too hard and confusing for some people. the most fun thing I did during the periods I had was playing and testing the board game. I thought it was a pretty good game and fun to past time! if I was a critic for my game, I would give it maybe a 8 out of ten because I think I could improve on the coloring because I colored in the wrong spots and colored outside the lines. I would also improve on the card quality because they weren't straight on the edges and also they had typos in some of them and maybe I could've done better handwriting. I am planning to play at home with my family and I hope that they like the game that I made.
Can I identify multiple ways to make paper airplanes fly farther and better? Harvey and Calvin3/23/2017
I learned that you need to make a plane have a big wing span if you want it to fly far, but not to big or else the wing go upwards.
This was a very fun project. I think that the hardest part of doing this project is getting some of the techniques and having them look like they are meant to look and the easiest part was almost everything else. The thing that was probably the most boring was learning the techniques and the most fun part was making the paintings and the videos. Something that I would do differently next time is to change my website up a little bit and make it look a little different. Some advice that I would give for someone who wants to do this project is to make a website because it is a good way to show everyone your project.
How Can I Make Electric Circuits And science expiraments and Teach Others How To Do This? Elijah P.3/22/2017
My Reflection:I learned so many new things that I never knew about at all so I worked hard and learned a lot about this topic, maybe more than any other project. I think the most fun part of this topic was when I made the different things out of snap circuits. The hardest part of this project was probably the creation of this lemon experiment. The easiest was to research.
I think that what I would do differently next time is to probably spend more time on videos than research. Some advice that I might give to others is to work hard on your website, and treat it like it has a required A+ grade! (even though we are grades free).
ReflectionsI was so excited to be doing Disney characters because I always love watching the movies. I learned that Disney princesses are a big hit. I also learned that the Lion King was a big hit and now their is a TV show about the Lion King. I will take action by showing people Abby and I's website about the Disney characters. I will also give them some facts about Disney characters so that they can tell others about what they learned. It took hard work and a lot of time to get our website done. I have a few questions, why were all of the movies cartoons in the top ten? And Why weren't the new movies on the top 10 list? I really enjoyed doing this project with Abby! It was such a fun project to do because it is about my "childhood!" - Jody I have grown up with Disney for my whole life and I was ready to tackle this amazing journey. It was a lot of hard work but there are a few things that I think I should change if I did this again. We spent a lot of time trying to find good pictures and I think that we spent too much time. If we spent a little bit less time, we wouldn't have finished this late. Also when we find a good picture, to get the website. We got amazing photos and we liked them, but when we went back to try and find them to get the URL, they weren't there. I had to maybe find new photos and that isn't really easy. We had to make sure that everything looked nice, we got the main points and that everything made sense. When we were finding the top 10 characters for each of the movies, sometimes there would be some that are characters from another movie. We needed to make sure that they were the correct characters and watching the movies already, helped with the characters. Other times it didn't make sense for some of the characters, so we needed to switch that around. It was a fun project and I am happy to be doing it with Jody. -Abby
What Are The 25 Funnest Places In The World, And What Makes Them So Fun? Sam T. and Ben N.3/16/2017
This passion time round was a fun and exciting round. We watched videos, researched and made decisions to come up with our list. We learned about culture around the world and what people like all around the world. I think that the most fun thing that we did this project was making the video for our project. I think the video fun because it showed other people what we learned. The researching for the project was really hard because there were so many fun places in the world that it was so hard to decide. The advice that I would other kids that would do this project is to make an outline first and give reasons why you would place a place where it is.
Madison's reflection:
I learned how to make designs for different situations that a trap was needed. It was super fun to build our designs and to keep testing them. We got to learn how to make changes to them, too! Making videos to show how our traps were built and how they work was also fun! It was difficult to figure out what changes to make to the traps. The first one we made was really difficult to figure out what changes to make to the trap. It kept failing, and we just couldn't figure out what to do! Some advice that I can give is make sure that your trap works before you make a video, we did that once and we had to make a part 2. I really liked this project and it was so much fun! Ashley's reflection: It was really fun to work with Maddie to create these 4 monster traps. I had a lot of fun creating monster traps using a limited amount of materials. It was really fun to build our designs and keep testing them out. I learned how to make different designs for different situation and how to make things by making changes to them. At points it was hard to make out trap work lie the first trap we made but then we made changes to make it work well. It was difficult but fun. If I could give you suggestions then I would say to keep trying even if it takes a long time and if it needs changes. But just keep trying and making changes.Also if you are doing videos on your trap then make sure it works first and after it works do a video right away. Because me and maddie did a video and it didn't work before and it didn't work in the video either. I had tons of fun and wish we had more time!
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