| H How will we Know?
L What Have we Learned
| A What Actions will we Take
| Q What we Questions do we have
Shaun's Reflection
Caleb's Reflection
Doing this passion time project with my partner has been a blast! After brainstorming a lot, we finally found the idea to learn how to make origami! But that wasn’t enough. We decided to learn more with cars and other vehicles! That’s when our project was approved and known as, “Can we make Origami Vehicles?” Our work started and we researched how to make cars, planes, and much more. I learned a lot too. I learned how to make planes with different abilities and how to make a boat. I now know how to make cars too! I loved working with partner too! It was Caleb and he was really nice and fun to work with. That was one of my favorite parts of this Passion Time. Also, I did good with Trial and Error. It was hard to explain what happen to our video and decide to make a new one. We were making a 25 minute video when the computer didn’t save! Mr. Solarz said he really just cared that we did it in the first place, but me and Caleb were still really disappointed. Because of that, we made another video that was 28 min. long. But, easy things were finding videos to research the projects we made. The different thing I would do would be to focus more on our Website and Blog Post rather than just research. My advice to others when doing this project is not to do too advanced projects, but just right. I loved this project, it was super fun! I think this has been one of my favorite Passion Times! |
First I learned that paper vehicles are very hard to make. I think this because of all the random terms like water balloon fold just things like that make this a whole lot more complicated. But luckily we just did simple things like paper cars and paper planes. The hard thing hard thing was finding a car that was not impossible to make. Also it was hard to find the perfect video meaning like the person was helpful and we were able to understand the how to make the plane. Also We have to make sure that we have the right paper and that we have the right supplies. But all in all this was a very fun project because we really got to express ourselves in the form of paper. What I really liked about this project is we got to make any vehicles not just like planes or cars we got to make any vehicles. This has to be easily one of my favorite projects. Also something else that I like about this was that it was it was a artsy project Bye! (If you are doing a project like this be creative you don’t have to follow the exact rules.) P.S We had made a first 25 minuet video that did not save we we made another video hat was longer than the other one.