K - What Do We Know? | W - What Do We Want To Know? | H - How Will We Learn it? |
L - What Did We Learn
| A - What Actions Are We Going To Take
| Q - What New Questions Do We Have
Carmen's Reflection
I really enjoyed doing this project because it was doing something I actually enjoyed doing. Also doing it was Brynna made our final project better because she came up with good ideas of what to add to our skit. She is also very good at using iMovie so, she had some pretty good ideas about what we could add to our video. The most fun part of the project was choosing what jokes we would use for our skit. Probably the most difficult part of this project was learning how to use iMovie on a laptop because it is way different from on a mobile device. I can give others who do this project the advice of making sure to know your script very well before you actually start videotaping.
Brynna's Reflection
I had so much fun doing this project with Carmen and she was a great partner to do this with. The main thing I learned was the functions on iMovie. I usually use iMovie on my phone, and I thought it would be the same on the laptop, but it wasn't and that took a long time to figure out. The most fun part was when we were editing the video we took on iMovie because we could do different things and cool transitions. The most difficult thing was trying to figure out how to work iMovie and how it functions. The easiest part was filing the actual video, even though we messed up a lot of times. The thing I would do differently next time is coming up with more jokes so our video would be longer.