My reflection
What did I learn? I learned how to manage a large group and how to choreograph a a dance. Also I leaned how to do the cup song with cups. Another thing I learned is how to manage weebly and the colors, fonts, and sizes of everything. I think all of these are valuable because it tout me to work with computers and with people, some of which I don't know very well. What was the most fun? The most fun thing was shooting the video. That was most fun because we were all laughs in the out takes. Also it was the most fun because Mr. Solarz was in it too. What was difficult? The most difficult ting I did was shoot the video because it took so many takes, and it was hard to organize. What was easy? The easiest thing was probably making my website. That was easiest for me because I have experience with it and it was me explaining things to people which I LOVE!!!! Another thing that made it easier for me was I learned how to change stuff such as: changing the font, backgrounds, and making more pages.What would I do differently next time? One thing I would do differently is I would have a couple less people because some people were not free, then other were not free when others were. I was so hard. What advice can I give others who are doing a project like this? You should get a good camera and have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!