What do I know?
What did I learn?That there are many ways to make a car that can move on its own like a rubber band powered car and balloon powered car. I also learned the hard why that with the car I built you can't wind it up to much or else the rubber band would snap. Plus that plastic spool don't work well with the car (wood ones work the best). | What do I want to know?
What action did I take? I used youtube to find a car would work for my project and would move well on its own. Then I built it. I also used google and some help from the parents. My parents helped me get the materials and helped me find a rubber band that would work. | How will I learn this?I will use Youtube and other kid friendly websites like google. Also I will use my brain to help design the car too. I might get some help from fellow classmates and my parents. What new questions do I have? How do you make a plane and boat that moves on its own? Also could I combine two of my rubber band powered cars to make a more realistic looking car or motor cycle? Would a different rubber band powered car work better and be faster then the one I made? |
My reflection paragraph.
I learned that making a car from scratch Is not as hard as I thought But it is still not easy. But its not to hard. I also learned that you can't wind it up a lot or else the rubber band would snap and you would have to redo the hole thing. I had the most fun building the car and seeing if it would work. Also I liked making my video. I had trouble finding a rubber band that would fit/work. I also had a difficult time finding all the materials for it, like a wood Spool. But the most difficult thing that happened was that the rubber band snapped in one of my videos so I had to redo it. I had an easy job building the car and using it. I also just had an easier job this time compared to other passion time rounds. Next time I would Build a different rubber band powered car. A more realistic looking one. Also I would try and build The car I already made bigger. The evidence I would give to others would be see if you can make a rubber band powered car like mine. Also do not wind the car up to much or else the rubber band might snap. The car does work best on a ruff surface like carpet. But it still works well on a table and other smooth surfaces. Just in case if you don't remember the materials that you need are a spool, washer, tape, toothpick, pencil, rubber band, sizers.