What do I KNOW?Their are a lot of shapes in flowers, like circles, and triangles, and sometimes squares. flowers tessellation witch is when both sides are symatry | What do I WANT to know?I want to learn the steps and be able to draw a flower were people would say WOW to! | HOW will I learn it?I will watch good videos. when I'm finished I will make a video to teach others. |
What did I LEARN?I learned there are many different kinds of flowers. Sometimes you just keep adding on like in a rose you start with the bulb of the flower and you keep adding on for the petals. | What ACTION will I take?I will make video of me showing how to draw a flower. I saw a picture of one and made my own twists to it. After that I will tweet my video and upload it to youtube. | What new QUESTIONS do I have?could I be able to make a more complicated flower with what I learned? |
My passion time project has been a blast. I learned how to draw some really cool flowers. I learned that some times random shapes can make a flower. For example, if you put circle in the middle of and made diamonds all around that circle that would be considered a flower. I like drawing flowers a lot! Above you can see my favorite kinds. I think the most fun part was drawing the flower. I liked coloring and making my video. Next time I think all learn a little more types of flowers. For instance, I'd like to learn how to draw a daffodil flower and maybe chrysanthemum. But overall I learned a lot I learned how to add things to flowers, I learned how to color them too. I'm glad I drew the flowers I did including tulips roses and the one I did my youtube video on. I'm so happy I chose to draw flowers for passion time!😀