What I know
What Did I LearnI learned that Dukes best players are not always the best offensive players but defensive. For example Johnny Dawkins Only averages nineteen points a game and some present players like R.J. Barret on Duke averages 23.1 points a game and he's just been improving. Reflection | What I want to know
What Actions Will I TakeI will tell others about the best players on Duke and tell them why as well as presenting it in a slideshow. | How will I learnI will research Dukes best players and write notes in a google doc then I will present it in a google slideshow. What Questions Do I HaveI still wonder if any of the current players will be a top three Duke player. I am also wondering how many championships Duke won. |
I have learned in this round of passion time many things about Duke I have noticed a lot of the best Duke players don't always get a ton of points but they get a lot of other things like steals, rebounds, and assists. Dukes Johnny Dawkins averages only nineteen points a game which is a lot but not for the top three players. Johnny Dawkins got a lot of steals rebounds and assists so that is why I think he is on the list. Dukes Dick groat is the highest scorer on my list but he also plays great defense he gets a lot of steals and a decent amount of rebounds. These three players are all on this list because they play good all around.