What I know
Planes are the fastest thing to travel with around the world. The plane have huge engines so they can carry heavy things like cargo, people, and etc.There are planes that have over 300 seats or less. A planes engine is at least four times a kids height. A planes wing flaps are so strong they can resist 575 mph.There is over 400 buttons in a plane. There are invisible highways in the sky that you cant feel or see in the plane.
What have I learned
I learned that there are lots of planes in the world. there is more than 500,000 planes in the world.
planes can have up to 1,2 or 3 engines on one wing. There are a lot of different types of engines for every plane in the world. |
What I want to know
What is the biggest plane in the world?
What is the original price of a ticket ? What action will I take
I will research on kid friendly websites.I will find appropriate videos to watch about planes. If I see any thing inappropriate I will ignore it. I will ask for help if I need to. I will look at some books to see if I can find some information.
What new questions do I have
What is the fastest plane in the world and why?
What is the biggest plane in the world? How will I learn
I will look at different types of web sites and see how many facts I can learn and put in my google slide show and my Education dot weebly. I will get facts from the internet and websites to get a lot of facts about planes and jets.
My passion time was really fun to do. I had a lot of fun learning about planes and jets and airports and a lot more things about planes and jets. I had fun creating the awesome lego airport with Sama and we used 62 big base plates and 28 small base plates for the airport. I think we used over one thousand lego pieces for our airport. I learned that in the air there are invisible air highways and that you can't touch or see in the air. This is exactly how the airplanes travel through out our planet earth.I also learned that airplanes wings can be really long and there engines can be up to 25 feet wide from every side of the engine. planes have first class and second class but first class is about $12,000 dollars but second class is $2,000 to $5,000 dollars for I think at 4 people.I think that me and Sama really enjoyed learning about planes and we really liked researching about planes to. I hope you liked our project about planes and jets. By Oscar and Sama