- There is a hard chamber in the core- I'm guessing that it protects the seeds
- The skin is also much harder and protects the actual fruit inside
- When you tap it, it sounds hollow coming from the inside
- The chamber inside of the apple has a bolder smell than outside of the apple or around the center, so I think that the smell comes from the seeds
- It looks kind of dry and stringy inside of the apple
- I think that when the apple rots, it rots from the inside and out, because it seems more dry in the middle, and it seems to brown faster in the inside
- The fruit inside the apple (behind the skin) seems really thin and airy
- The seeds are jammed into little pockets inside the apple, which I think protects them.
- The fruit in the apple is kind of translucent because I could see the toothpick through the apple when I stuck it under
- I think the seeds are well-protected because they have a very tough shell and are protected by the hard seed pockets
- the apple gets oxidized from the inside out, but if you peel the skin, the inside will still take less time to oxidize, even though right under the skin is more exposed to oxygen.
Reflection Questions:
| ANSWERS: 1. I was able to find a lot of observations because I was focused and had a lot of tools to use 2. Observation is important in science because you need to know a lot of details to perform an experiment 3. SENSES 1 See 2 Touch 3 Smell 4 Hear 5 Taste |