I am most excited to talk to my PenPals about our interests and see things we have in common that are our interests. Mine are sports and I love hockey and also love baseball and play and practice them a lot. In my spare time, I play some PS4 with my friends and then I do my homework. I like to play outside and play Capture the flag and play with my brothers. I don't travel often but I am going on vacation for the second time in my life. We might go to Florida! I would also like to hear what my PenPals think and what they like to talk about. I want to compare our interests so we can get to know each other better. I would also like to talk about sports because I like to talk about them and do fantasy drafts. I would like to hear about my PenPal's favorite sports and what they do on a daily basis like me which is play outside, play sports and also play some video games sometimes which I like. -Daniel S
What is your favorite interests? I like sports and outdoor games and play on Playstation and play NHL 17 a lot and also other games as well. I would like to hear about you guys because this is really fun and enjoyable. -Daniel S
In the video and in the text I saw that Pakistan has food stands on the street and in america that isn't very common. In fact, I've never seen one except some hotdog stands. Another thing is the schools. Schools in America don't usually have one gender in them like an all boy schools or all girl schools. Another thing that is different in the schools is that in Pakistan, the classrooms have chalk boards instead of white boards and also I saw in the video that there wasn't lots of carpet or sources of technology in the classroom. In America, we always use technology in the class so much we use it at least half of the day. We also have the same amount of recess which is 30 minutes and play a similar sport to Cricket which is Baseball.
Daniel S
Johnathan, How many fast food restaurants do you have? In America, We have SO MANY! Daniel S
A lot I live in America too. Jonathan
There are some common foods in Lahore, Pakistan like Dairy considering they are the 3rd largest dairy producing country in the world! They often sell their food on the streets which isn't common here in America but there are some street peddlers. There are spicy in foods in Pakistan and also we have spicy foods here and I love them. In Pakistan, there are chicken in restaurants and that's the same where I live. There is something called Roti in Lahore which I've never heard of. It looks like a tortilla and looks good. In Lahore, Pakistan they also have soups and I haven't seen any fast foods in the video which probably isn't very common in Pakistan then but in America it is very popular like McDonalds and also Wendys. Daniel S
They eat soup and meat with rice and potatoes and fast food is becoming popular in Lahore like KFC McDonald's and pizza hut. Jonathan
Designs in the buildings are a part of architecture of Lahore, Pakistan. There are poles and designs on the tiles and the ceiling. This was inspired by the armies and british empire. Daniel S
It is big and a lot of people go to that place to play and there is a lot of designs in their buildings andnstuff
jonathan d
It affects because there is a lot of art in Pakistan like everywhere we go in Pakistan on the field trip to Pakistan there is always art and the buildings are like all shaped the same way like they all have that pointy stuff on top of The buildings there and the buildings are big and have a lot of art in them and outside of them. Jonathan
The art in Pakistan includes the Wazir Khan Mosque, and Badshahi Mosque explains the past and present presidents of Lahore, Pakistan. They both look alike and look really cool. There is also music in Pakistan which makes celebrities' lives different because they are now famous. They also use modeling clay 9it looks like) to make stuff out of it and that could also do the same thing with music instruments. Daniel S
In Lahore, People have their way of fashion with traditional colors on their clothes. People in Pakistan like to play Soccer and also Cricket. Kids play these sports at a very young age. Music in Pakistan is different because there is hardly any concerts which is different compared to America. People use motorcycles for transportation. There was an estimate of 45% of people using motorcycle in Pakistan which is a lot. In Pakistan, Cricket has a huge impact because there is many teams playing and everyone likes it. There are famous players like Saeed Anwar, Saeed Ajmal, and Shahid Afridi, who are considered amazing and popular in the sport of Cricket. Daniel S
There are a lot of people that travel in motorcycles and slot of people have started playing soccer and their music is changed like it sounds like something that would be at a party and I also learned that sometimes they wake up go to the park and play and come back like at the end of the day and the most popular thing they like to travel on motorcycles and there is this guy named Atif Aslam and he became really famous and started touring around the world and he event went on stage with pit bull and Evanscene and Gotye
jonathan d
In the video and in the text I saw that Pakistan has food stands on the street and in america that isn't very common. In fact, I've never seen one except some hotdog stands. Another thing is the schools. Schools in America don't usually have one gender in them like an all boy schools or all girl schools. Another thing that is different in the schools is that in Pakistan, the classrooms have chalk boards instead of white boards and also I saw in the video that there wasn't lots of carpet or sources of technology in the classroom. In America, we always use technology in the class so much we use it at least half of the day. We also have the same amount of recess which is 30 minutes and play a similar sport to Cricket which is Baseball.
Daniel S
Johnathan, How many fast food restaurants do you have? In America, We have SO MANY! Daniel S
A lot I live in America too. Jonathan
There are some common foods in Lahore, Pakistan like Dairy considering they are the 3rd largest dairy producing country in the world! They often sell their food on the streets which isn't common here in America but there are some street peddlers. There are spicy in foods in Pakistan and also we have spicy foods here and I love them. In Pakistan, there are chicken in restaurants and that's the same where I live. There is something called Roti in Lahore which I've never heard of. It looks like a tortilla and looks good. In Lahore, Pakistan they also have soups and I haven't seen any fast foods in the video which probably isn't very common in Pakistan then but in America it is very popular like McDonalds and also Wendys. Daniel S
They eat soup and meat with rice and potatoes and fast food is becoming popular in Lahore like KFC McDonald's and pizza hut. Jonathan
Designs in the buildings are a part of architecture of Lahore, Pakistan. There are poles and designs on the tiles and the ceiling. This was inspired by the armies and british empire. Daniel S
It is big and a lot of people go to that place to play and there is a lot of designs in their buildings andnstuff
jonathan d
It affects because there is a lot of art in Pakistan like everywhere we go in Pakistan on the field trip to Pakistan there is always art and the buildings are like all shaped the same way like they all have that pointy stuff on top of The buildings there and the buildings are big and have a lot of art in them and outside of them. Jonathan
The art in Pakistan includes the Wazir Khan Mosque, and Badshahi Mosque explains the past and present presidents of Lahore, Pakistan. They both look alike and look really cool. There is also music in Pakistan which makes celebrities' lives different because they are now famous. They also use modeling clay 9it looks like) to make stuff out of it and that could also do the same thing with music instruments. Daniel S
In Lahore, People have their way of fashion with traditional colors on their clothes. People in Pakistan like to play Soccer and also Cricket. Kids play these sports at a very young age. Music in Pakistan is different because there is hardly any concerts which is different compared to America. People use motorcycles for transportation. There was an estimate of 45% of people using motorcycle in Pakistan which is a lot. In Pakistan, Cricket has a huge impact because there is many teams playing and everyone likes it. There are famous players like Saeed Anwar, Saeed Ajmal, and Shahid Afridi, who are considered amazing and popular in the sport of Cricket. Daniel S
There are a lot of people that travel in motorcycles and slot of people have started playing soccer and their music is changed like it sounds like something that would be at a party and I also learned that sometimes they wake up go to the park and play and come back like at the end of the day and the most popular thing they like to travel on motorcycles and there is this guy named Atif Aslam and he became really famous and started touring around the world and he event went on stage with pit bull and Evanscene and Gotye
jonathan d