On the human food label:
On the pet food label:
Reflect & Synthesize: Answer the following questions in your blog post. Remember to have at least one follow-up sentence for each question, when possible.
| 1. What I learned about food is that food is made of different ingredients. Food helps the body for every living thing around us and in the world. Different kinds of food are needed for healthy nutrition for a person. 2. Ritz crackers. No ingredients came from animals. 3. All the ingredients came from plants except salt and calcium phosphate. They are chemicals. The ingredients from plants are enriched wheat flour, granola oil, palm oil, sugar, high fructose corn syrup, soy lecithin, and something called natural flavor. 4. One similarity I saw in the human food label and in the pet food label was they both had calcium and vitamin in them. One difference I saw in the human food label is that the human food label had way less calcium then the pet food label. Another difference in the human food label and in the pet food label was that the pet food label had way more ingredients in it then the human food label would ever have. 5. The insect I saw when we went on our nature walk was an earthworm and what an earthworm gets out of it's food when it eats is nutrients from the soil. How the worm gets its nutrients from small things of soil, such as like decaying roots and leaves. Animal manures are an important part of food source they have so many good stuff for the earthworm to eat from the soil like they eat living organisms from the soil like nematodes, protozoans, rotifers, bacteria and fungi from the soil to get nutrients. Answers: