Stop & jot!

- I think Henry brave for moving into a house that has been vaken for 7 years. I would be scared of the spiders and ghosts.
- I wouldn't care what other people think.I don't care as long as I like it.
- It was an Again and Again because they keep on saying that place is a distrace. I think it comes up Again and Again because they all don't like how the house looks but HENRY DOESN'T CARE!!
- The other people still don't like it but Henry just wants to be left alone.
- Henry loves to read, And he loves his bird.
- His nabers don't like it and he is angering them. He can just say im not going to lissson.
- I think Henry is a good influence for not getting mad at the pear presser.
- I think Henry doesn't like the nabbers.
- If they don't like it why don't the nabbers just fix it.
- I think Henry is rood why would you say in not hungry thank you God bye I would say thank you. I think there being nice because the Maire said be nice try it twice.
- They tried being nice with the pie and the men wants to shovel the snow.
- He is never going to live like these people and hes sorry he came. I think that the people are making him fell bad.
- He has had snuff of every one wanted them to fick it.
- The nabbers are missing him and there wondering where did he go is the OK.
- Just because they got him to leave doesn't make it right.
- They should feel guilty like man I made him move.
- know there saying maybe we should have exsetided him he doesn't have to be like us.
- he wantens to move back because he is missing his nabbers.
Reflection Questions | Reflection Answers |
| 1. I read in my room in my bed before I go to bed. 2. I like to resd funny storeys so i can get a kickout of it. 3. I like the whatever after series. 4. I read a part of the books and choose the book i like. 5.I choose to read because it is fun when you have spare time. |