I felt my heat beating
Your heart beats when it starts to move faster.I was doing jumping jacks so my energy was going down so we needed more and so its starts to beat faster.
I heard Russell panting
Because mussels require oxygen. They aren't getting oxygen when your moving fast
I felt my feet ache
Because my feet weren't properly stretched so they hurt. When you stretch they won't hurt fast.
I feel thirsty
Because your body needs water. When you don't get water you die.
I feel tiered
Because when you move around your body wants to calm down. When you run you go home and sit down after.
I feel my head hurting
Because your head hurts when you don't drink enough water. you need to be hydrated.
I feel my arms are hurting
Because your moving them up and down what make s the blood move up and down. This is what also happens with your head.
I feel I am starting to sweat
Because your body is trying to cool yourself off by sweating. This helps you from not passing out.
I feel my hair whip back and forth
Because I was moving fast and it wat moving with me. You can't take it off so you have to deal with it.
I feel the blood in my head go up and down
Because your brain is moving up and down but your brain can't handle it. The blood vessels are popping.