- Create a new blog post on your ePortfolio entitled, "Abrasion Weathers Rock."
- Grab a photo of you and your partner from the activity. (Drag it onto your desktop.) (If you want to include more than one photo of you, you can put them into a slideshow like I have above.)
- Embed it at the top of your blog post (Drag in an "Image"). Turn on "Lightbox."
- To the right of the picture, embed a video that you create & upload to YouTube that explains what you did during this activity and what you learned.
- Answer the Reflection Questions below with complete sentences. Each answer must have multiple complete sentences that explain your answer.
- When you've finished answering the questions, take a picture of your worksheet from yesterday's investigation (front and back) and post them at the bottom of this blog post. Use PhotoBooth to do this. Turn "Lightbox" on both photos.
Reflection/Synthesis Questions: | Answers: |
Here is a photo of my investigation sheet: