| Answers: 1. I know that NASA needs to think about what they are going to bring to Mars because it is not like you can go to a store on Mars and buy anything you need there, you need to bring supplies that they really need and can't live without. They also need to be efficient with energy because energy is really valuable and if you run out of energy, then the will be stuck on Mars, 2. It would take 6 months to get to mars when the Earth would about to swing past Mars. When Earth swings Then, the ship would use less fuel then if Earth wasn't as close to Mars. If the astronauts decided not to take the trip while the Earth was close to mars, then the whole journey would be 250,00 miles long which is 2 and a half years! 3. The astronauts will definitely need food and water to live because you can not live without food and water. You would just die in space. I learned that there is actually a machine that turns astronauts urine into drinkable water! Weird! They also need exercise because like the video said, in space your bones loose calcium and your muscles loose their strength so exercise is really important. 4. I think some of the risks of traveling to Mars might be that the video said that sometimes you might get angry with a crew member that is on board with you and you won't want to talk to him/her but then when you have to do an important job with him/her, then you just forget about how angry you were. I think another risk of traveling to Mars might be some dangerous disasters that might happen like loosing energy for a month or crashing or anything like that. 5. Since I am going to Mars and so is the whole class, I would like to bring food and water, because humans can't live without food and water for long. Also you could make oxygen out of water so that would be a good reason to bring water. Some stuff that would make me not bored like board games and something that is fun to do. I also would like to take a good supply of tools so I could fix something that might break on the space ship. i would take medicine in case I get sick and need to take it, and a space suit so I won't die on Mars. |
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