- She said that he didn't like people to be late and loved whipped cream!
- She said she had a wonderful experience with her grandfather and they liked to break the rules.
- She loved to learn about him when he died and went to the archive to see his work.
- She tried to get the best cartoons for the book.
- She didn't really like or notice the artwork.
- Rube was funny so he was fun to be around.
- The cartoons were in their den on the walls.
- Her dad wanted to keep the history to continue on.
- There is going to be a film and museum.
- They have competitions to build Rube Goldberg's.
- Cartoonists were hot shots back then and earned lots.
- Cartoons were like magic because they didn't have photos or color films.
- Rube being famous didn't impact her so she wasn't overwhelmed.
- Its not a Rube Goldberg if it is not funny or large.
- He bought a house in Lenics New York.
- His professor made them make a machine that could weigh the world.
- Rube was never late and was nicely dressed and had to be the center of attention.
- He didn't dwell on the past.
- The Ruben award is named after him.
- She loved his art when she was a adult.