1. The apple smells very fresh like it was just picked from an apple tree.
2. The apple feels very smooth on the outside and it is almost like a wet slimy feel in the inside. On the outside the skin is almost squishy but not so squishy. The seeds feel smooth to and hard. When I felt the apple
3. The apple is rotting up in the inside but if you look very closely in the middle it looks fussy. When I poke a hole in the apple watery stuff is coming up like a volcano. When I dug up the middle the apple started to rot up. The inside of a seed is white.
4. When I poke a hole in the skin I here a popping noise.
2. The apple feels very smooth on the outside and it is almost like a wet slimy feel in the inside. On the outside the skin is almost squishy but not so squishy. The seeds feel smooth to and hard. When I felt the apple
3. The apple is rotting up in the inside but if you look very closely in the middle it looks fussy. When I poke a hole in the apple watery stuff is coming up like a volcano. When I dug up the middle the apple started to rot up. The inside of a seed is white.
4. When I poke a hole in the skin I here a popping noise.
| 1. The one place I was able to observe so many things was the middle. It was the middle because the middle was opened up and we could see so many other things. 2. Observation and description are very important because without observation and description we would not be able to observer and describe what we see or hear. 3. The sense I used the most was probably touch, sight, smell, hear, and then taste. I put them in this order by how much facts I had on them and I did not use taste at all because all the people in my group were touching the apple. |