These four videos represent my best explanations of energy transfer.
STAMPER motion to motion to elastic. | SOLAR MOTER electrical to light to chemical to motion to motion. Byproduct of heat. |
MASEGE FAN electrical to electrical to motion to motion to electrical. Byproduct of motion. | HAND BOILER Heat to motion to gravatational. Heat to motion. |
- What was your favorite station? Why? My favorite station is the energy ball. The energy ball is my favorite station because it shoots out energy.
- Which object was most difficult to figure out? Why was it so hard to figure out the energy transfers in this object? The hardest object to figure out was the energy ball. The energy transfers where hard to figure out because it was very small.
- Why did you choose the four videos above? What criteria did you use to select those? I chose those 4 videos because I talked and explained things a lot in those videos. The criteria I used was I selected the ones where i talked the most.
- Was it always possible to know for sure what kinds of energy transfers occurred. It wasn't always posable. Because some times you might think its one thing but its the other.