Zoologists use water in their job for feeding, grooming,and cleaning the animals. To be safe zoologists use water samples for operating. Zoologists also use water for the marine animals they take care since of marine animal habitats are usually mostly water. Besides the fact of studying marine life in their habitats they go scuba dividing in the marine habitats or on a boat at sea. Ichthyologists study sharks in fish in their habitat. Well Mammaoligst study dolphins and whales in their habitat. Click on the picture to go to it's source!
How Humans and Pigs Use and Need Water
1. Write at least one paragraph that describes what happened start to finish in our Mars Simulation.
1a. My name is Wu Chen. I am a cook and baker from Taipei in Taiwan. During my preparation for mars I had a blast trying to figure what utensils I need to bring in order to cook good food. In the middle of mars simulation we fixed all the problems that needed to be fixed. As we took of for mars we had claimed our part of mars and named it The United Kingdom of Coconuttia. We made money, a national theme song, a modo, and many other things for our kingdom. As we kept going we got into what was our Constitution. After that we were working our own preamble. But as we were working on our Bill of Rights we got into an argument of what we should do, bring guns, or not. When we decided to bring guns a gun shocked and a fire started luckily every one somehow got sucked into our transporter and we went back home. But not exactly. Mars ended and we were in the Oregon Trail. Same people but different time and place. Attack of the Brothers
One summer afternoon I went outside to swing. On my way to the swing I saw my brother peeking behind my dad’s car. I ignored my brother and skipped my way to the swing. Once I sat down and started to swing my brother started to approach me. “What do you want?” “Not what I want, what you want.” “What do you mean?” Right as I said that my eye caught something behind my brothers back, it was dripping water and right away I knew what it was. “Ahh,” I screamed. I ran inside and right as I closed the glass door Griffin sprayed it with a water gun. I ran back out the front door thinking I could outsmart him, but there he was standing in front of me. “Let the games begin, I thought.” Right as I started to sprint he shot me with the water gun over and over again until I was out of sight. As I hid inside the garage I saw something inside a basket. In there were three other water guns. I knew only one of them worked so I grabbed the working water gun and sneaked outside. I very carefully turned on the water and filled up the water gun. Once I turned around my brother had caught my tracks. He sprayed me for who knows how long until I remembered what was in my hand. Behind my back I pumped the water gun and as my brother was laughing, I squirted him right in the face. He screamed my name in anger as I darted for the door. I ran as quick as my legs could take me, right as I was just about to get into the deck my brother squirted me about twenty times in a row. So I ran. He followed me through the garden, between the house, even behind the garage. Then, as he wasn’t looking, I quietly opened the garage door and closed it as quietly as I could. I found the light switch and turned it on. I tiptoed over to my scooter and dragged it over to a bucket of chalk. There, soaking wet, I sat on my scooter well drawing on the garage floor with chalk, but it didn’t last long. After about five minutes of drawing, my brother had found me. The garage could no longer be a hiding place now that it was revealed. I ran past his squirting ray of death and was able to find a new hiding place. Right as I went to hide in the ferns, my brother spotted my neighbor Silas. He ran to the garage and gave Silas a water gun to fill up. Once Silas’ water gun was filled up both of them started looking for me. Silas found me but before he started to shout. I told him to please not tell my brother. But of course he didn’t listen and yelled my brother’s name. I glared at Silas and gave him the evil eye. As I started to see my brother, I ran to find a new spot. As I looked around the front and back yard I had found no new hiding spots. I darted towards the door but my brother had thought fast. I took one small step towards the door but as I did my brother aimed the water gun near my face. I tried to dodge my brother’s wrath of water, but he moved to fast. I was squirted for the last time that day for my mom had gotten into the action. So for the next fifteen minutes I was drying off.
AuthorWrite something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. Archives
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