In This Picture I am in Front of Chimney Rock!
First Day
We crashed on top of this old man in our ship. Luckily his hand was sticking out with a sack of money and since he was no longer living, we thought the right thing to do was take the money for our self. We couldn't let the money go to waste. The rest of our first day was not the best. We had to buy some wagons and decide what animal was going to have to lug them around. I knew that there was no way we could get any type of weak animal. We decided on Oxen, (Defiantly the best choice). I remember the day were I went to get a Conestoga wagon the guy kept trying to sell it for the same price no more no less. Finally we had all are stuff but we still needed some time before taking off in our journey.
Later On
Our journey has gone through a lot of ups and downs including sicknesses, feet, pinkies, and love. Which has made a few losses in jobs. We even had to leave Iskander at the Fort for our own health. Then Alexandrina fell in love and insisted on staying with him even though he was in another wagon train. Matilda is fine and now she has a friend with a cut off pinkie his name is Kai. So after long days of trouble and now some loss of money, this has been an interesting trail so far.