"Hey, hey wait for me!" I say as I run up to the molecules to join the crowd. As I approach them they all look at me and immediately smile.
"You wanna join our cloud?" Said the smallest molecule.
"Why yes I am new here and I don't want to wait around for some strangers to wanna help me become a cloud!"
"Well as long as my sis is fine with it I am fine with it." As I look around the second smallest molecule came up to me.
"Hi, if you wanna be in a cloud with us can you please do one thing for me?"
"Sure anything."
"Make Bela stop meowing!" I look around wondering who is Bela, but then I see a pretty tall molecule meowing and acting like a cat. I go up to the Bela and did what needed to be done. I joined there cloud. Bela instantly stopped meowing and all the molecule start smiling. We now had done condensation I felt I needed to know these molecules.
"What are your names?"
"Why I am Nessa and this is my older sis Lily."
"And I'm Janie."
"And I am cat!" Bela states.
"Well then my name is Payton and I think this cloud is getting weak." We all look down to see that we start falling. I look around to see Bela meowing, Janie laughing, Lily Screaming, and Nessa telling jokes.
"What are you guys doing?"
"Trying to be calm!"They Yelled. As I land on some persons shoe to find that I just went through Precipitation. After a long long journey from finding myself in Dino pee, to being sucked up by as straw, I know find myself here back were I was 100 years ago.