We had a gun explode on Mars! Good thing we made a teleporter!
What's going on in Mr. Solarz' Class? |
Reflection Questions
I was just sitting in the Ocean, when a Whale was swimming by! It was speeding so fast. And can you guess what was behind it?!? It was a Fisher Boat! It was chasing me! Than my “friend” Nick didn’t look and got crushed by the whale! Than slid off and got crushed by the fisher boat! Than he got Evaporated! Right before I got hit by the whale, I evaporated! I evaporated so fast that I beat Nick into the cloud! Nick could not join, and he got hit by the whale again.
My experience with Melody was very fun. We first played the game "That's me and That's not Me". I said that I like drawing and we started to draw. I asked how to spell her name and I made a cool bubble letter drawing of here name! I than asked her if she liked jump rope. We watched double dutch video's. Than she left and we had a great time!!
I think she did. I not really sure because she did not have a facial expression. But when she did have a facial expression, it was happy. I think that I should they to have more fun next time. Since they are 2ed graders, than I will connect more. I think that I should have more excitement as well. Meteorologists use Rain Gage to measure how much water has fallen. A Rain Water Gage stays outside when it is raining to collect water. When the rain stops, they bring the Rain Gage inside to see how much water has fallen. Meteorologists also use a Sling Psychrometer. A Sling Psychrometer is used to measure the humidity,which is vaporized water.