Today was a fun day. I was a camera man and got to see everything in action. The RED team represented the British. Like it shows in the picture below, The British were the stronger ones and that's how we had it. The BLUE more of the shorter and weaker ones. That was because in the picture below, we were not trained. We were weaker. At first there were fewer BLUE because there were training. BLUE'S only experience was hunting. The WIGHT team represented the allies of the american conleis and also the BLUE team. They had to count longer to come in because the allies came later. Mr. Solarz offerd a prize to the BLUE team because if the american colonials won, they would receive a prize of freedom! All except for one team member on the BLUE team. That was Tucker. He was a slave. If you were a slave back then, you would get very little prize. That's why Tucker go no prize, if the BLUE team won. The wight team was cheering for the blue team because they were they didn't like the British army. Those were the Spanish and the French Fleet. Part of the RED team joined late because that meant that they were over seas. The boat had to bring more RED soldiers because the British didn't have them all there at first. The RED team had to pull past the bag because if they did that than that would mean that they won. The BLUE & WIGHT teams had to prevent that from happing because than they would break free from England. This, I think, was a metaphor because it was meaning to who would win the Tug- A- War revelation. We Were pulling to see who would fall first. This is a metaphor because it was like a "war" to see who would fall. Mr. Solarz did a good job because he explained this very well and I'm glad that I could be a part of this fun active! :)
I loved this experience so so so so so so so much! I love everything that has to do with history, so this was an especially great experience for me! It was so so so so so cool to see the clothing, to see the tools, and hoses and so much more! This was fun to see the angry and enemy ones and also, the nice, happy and cheery ones. My favorite one was the inn keeper. She is the one with the red cape and the wight bonnet. She was so sweet and she had many good reason of what decisions she made in life. She was also the one who told the British is something happen. My other favorite was the spinner. She was also so sweet and kind. I felt sorry for her because she was adopted and didn't know what happened to her parents until she was between 16-21. I was surprised and didn't like the Native American because she was a little mean and harsh. But that doesn't make me change my ways about Native Americans. I felt bad because they were forced out of there own land by us people. I loved this so much and you should really get a chance to go and see the gun's shoot off! Wait I said too much! Enjoy the pictures! Charles Walker: He is a land agent. He is neutral and he doesn't care what you are if he can sell land to you. He is enemies with Captain Parke. That was because they were in the same bissens at one point. Than one person got higher money. Captain Parke was also was a spy for Spain. He measured land area and sold area. Except he would be sneaky and sell it to separate people.
Mistress McLean is a in keeper. She believes in the patriots cause but her business would be better if they were all staying together. She was from Scotland. Captain Peter Smith. He would find people to scout in the forest. He would carry around lots of weapons. Captain Parke. He didn't care who won the war but he kept a close eye on Spain for any attacks. He worked for the French to keep them safe. Angus. He is a loyalist who showed us lots of weapons. He is a master carpenter and wood carver. Josef O'Fallon. He was a trapper and trader. He told us what fur makes good felts and coats. Gannet Lendahl. Weaver she would spin for the army and make jackets and stuff. Lots of fabrics layed out. Molly Brant. Native amarican who makes tools and stuff. She is a is involved in a lot. Zeb. He hates the king. He owns 220 akers of land. He showed us how the make barrels. |